Monday, September 21, 2009


After getting all that practice in with my digital portraits, or "iDents" as my mom calls them, I tried inking one of Miss Kinash's sketches. I think it turned out pretty well, but final judgment is reserved for Briana. I did not colour in the clothing like I usually do because I am not sure what Olivia's colour theme is, or if she even has one.

I played around a bit with special strokes laid along paths, to try and recreate the long beaded necklaces without having to resort to individually "stringing" circles onto a path. I think I may be able to eventually create a stroke that can go from small to large circles, kind of like how I sometimes create textures, but I have not figured it out yet.

Either way, I have been collecting up sketches that have to do with the comic project for a while now, and am going to digitally ink and compile them into character sheets or something of the like.

1 comment:

  1. How did you turn that scrappy sketch into this? Holy cow. She looks great. You managed to catch that funky smile I gave her (I think that curl is going to be a mainstay). "Curly" seems to be a theme of hers which we can reflect more in her clothing in the future, perhaps?

    We can go through your color book and pick out a scheme sometime. I've imagined her in sages and oranges a couple times.

    Awesome. XD
